Kota Saint Jovite Youngblood serves as president of Youngblood Metals Mining in California, where he specializes in pre-Victorian jewelry and vintage toys. A seasoned collector of coins and other rare goods, Saint Jovite Youngblood is a member of the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG). The Professional Numismatists Guild works to ensure that no collector suffers the misfortune of working with an unscrupulous dealer. By promoting knowledge, integrity, and responsibility, the PNG facilitates trustworthiness and professionalism in the coin and rare metal industry. As part of the organization's commitment to professional development and integrity, it helps young people and emerging professionals find internships in numismatics. Prospective interns must meet specific educational qualifications before applying. Once accepted into the program, they spend three months shadowing a PNG member in his or her place of business. This hands-on experience prepares interns for a successful c...
Kato Saint Jovite Youngblood - Collectibles Business Owner